Regular dishcloths take a long time to dry and usually must be thrown out after a few uses. Swedish dishcloths, on the other hand, don’t. Instead, they dry quickly and have remarkably long lives.
Swedish dishcloths can be used any way normal dishcloths are. These uses include things like washing dishes and cleaning various surfaces.
People can also dust with them or use them to clean up spills. When soiled, they can be washed and reused several times before getting ragged.
This article will discuss how Swedish dishcloths differ from other dishcloths. It will also discuss the different ways to use one.
Also, see Why Do Scandinavians Wear Black? to learn more.

Swedish Dishcloths vs. Regular Dishcloths
Before getting into the various ways to use a Swedish dishcloth, one should understand the main differences between it and regular dishcloths.
Below are some of the main things that make Swedish dishcloths stand out from other types.
Swedish Dishcloths Are Incredibly Absorbent
Swedish dishcloths are so popular because they’re highly absorbent, so they can soak up lots of liquids and still dry quickly.
Therefore, they’re instrumental in a cleaning environment because dish towels always get wet.
Swedish dishcloths can absorb around 20 times their weight and are much more efficient and affordable (in the long run) than cheaper dishcloths and disposable items like paper towels. [1]
Swedish Dishcloths Last Longer
Not only are Swedish dishcloths more absorbent than normal dishcloths, but they also last a lot longer due to their reusable nature.
Even if used to clean multiple surfaces, a Swedish dishcloth can be hand-washed or placed in the washing machine and reused numerous times.
If a person takes good care of their Swedish dishcloth, it can last 6 months or longer. [2]
This certainly isn’t the case with regular dishcloths, so people can save a lot of money if they go with a Swedish cloth over a normal one.
Swedish Dishcloths Are Better For the Environment
Another reason Swedish dishcloths are so popular is that they’re environmentally friendly. Unlike many other cleaning products, they’re completely biodegradable.
Most regular dishcloths are not biodegradable, meaning they often end up in landfills and are generally bad for the earth.
A Swedish dishcloth’s biodegradable nature is because it’s made of 70% wood cellulose. The other 30% of the towels’ makeup comes from equally environmentally friendly cotton. [3]
As a result, these cloths can be composted rather than placed in with regular trash.
Also, see Sweden vs. Denmark: What’s the Difference? to learn more.

Various Uses For Swedish Dishcloths
The following sections will outline these in more detail.
Washing and Drying Dishes
First and foremost, Swedish dishcloths are excellent for washing and drying dishes. They work well with soap and water and are sure to leave the dishes looking pristine.
Dishes that can be cleaned using a Swedish dishcloth include:
- Plates
- Glasses
- Cups
- Silverware
- Pots and pans
All one must do is wet the cloth and apply some soap. Then, they can scrub or rub the dirty dishes using the Swedish dishcloth.
Thankfully, these dishcloths are gentle, so they aren’t likely to cause scratches or other damage, even to the most delicate dishware.
Once the dishes are clean, they can be dried as usual.
Cleaning All Kinds of Surfaces
It may be called a “dishcloth,” but a Swedish dishcloth can be used for many things, including cleaning surfaces around the home.
Such surfaces include:
- Bathroom surfaces, like showers, baths, and toilets
- Kitchen surfaces, like countertops, ovens, tables, and chairs
- Glass surfaces, like mirrors and screens
No matter what one cleans with a Swedish dishcloth, there shouldn’t be any streaks afterward.
Many people may choose to have Swedish dishcloths in all main rooms in the home (like the kitchen and bathrooms), so they can use them whenever a spill or dust is lying around.
Whether the surface is marble, glass, tile, ceramic, or wood (to name a few), a Swedish dishcloth is sure to do an excellent job of removing all dirt and bacteria when used with soap and water.
Wiping Stains
A Swedish dishcloth helps remove stains from solid surfaces, including countertops and glass surfaces. It’s also helpful in scrubbing stains off fabrics when used with stain remover.
For example, a few wipes of a bathroom mirror should remove any water stains, and there will likely be no water streaks or lines left over.
While the dishcloth isn’t guaranteed to remove tough stains by itself, it can be used with other cleaning products to get the best results.
Also, see What Do Scandinavians Find Attractive? to learn more.

It’s no secret that dust is a nuisance in the home, but there are things people can do to remove it easily.
One way to dust surfaces is by using a Swedish dishcloth. To remove dust using a Swedish dishcloth, one must wipe over the dusty surface and allow the dust to gather on the cloth.
Then, the cloth can be quickly rinsed with water and reused to dust another surface.
Using a Swedish dishcloth to dust is better than an actual feather duster because feather dusters tend to disperse the dust around the room rather than collect it.
For the best results, a Swedish dishcloth should be slightly damp before dusting, as the dust will cling to the cloth more easily if it’s moist.
If the fabric is dry, it can still absorb some dust, but it may also spread some around.
Cleaning Up Spills
Everyone spills a drink or some food now and then, so it’s essential to have something on hand for when it happens.
Swedish dishcloths are ideal.
They’re incredibly absorbent and put even the Brawny commercials to shame. As mentioned earlier, a Swedish dishcloth can absorb many times its weight, so it’s perfect for this task.
All one must do is place the Swedish dishcloth over the spill and let it absorb everything.
Once everything is cleaned up, the dishcloth can be washed by hand or placed in a washing machine. [4]
Cleaning Animal Fur
Now and then, animals may get some dirt caught in their fur. Rather than giving the animal a full bath, one can use a damp Swedish dishcloth to gently wipe the dirt away.
Of course, if a dishcloth is used for this purpose, it’s best to avoid using it for household things like dishes and countertops.
People may like to have a specific Swedish dishcloth for their animals, allowing them to quickly and easily remove dirt and other nasty things that may be present on the fur.
Also, see Do Scandinavians Eat a Lot of Fish? to learn more.