Wondering How To Make Swedish Pancakes?

Swedish pancakes are large, very thin pancakes, similar to a French crêpe, that can be folded and topped with jam.

These delicious pancakes are a staple in Sweden and have gained popularity in many other places worldwide, leaving many to wonder how Swedish pancakes are made.

Swedish pancakes are made with eggs, milk, and flour.

These three main ingredients can be mixed by themselves or together with optional ingredients, such as sugar, butter, and other flavor additives.  

There are slight variations when making Swedish pancakes; however, this recipe does not disappoint.

This article will provide a step-by-step guide on making Swedish pancakes and a few tips on doing so perfectly.

How To Make Swedish Pancakes

Making Swedish pancakes is a pretty straightforward process. This recipe uses very few ingredients and makes a decent amount of pancakes.

It’s perfect for a large family gathering or just a few people. 

1. Grab All Cooking Supplies

The first step in any cooking adventure is gathering all the supplies before getting started; this recipe is no exception. The following kitchen items will be required to make this Swedish pancake recipe:

  • 2 large mixing bowls
  • Whisk or electric mixer
  • Large frying pan or griddle
  • Spatula, turner

2. Gather All Ingredients

The ingredients for this recipe are simple. You probably already have them in your home and won’t have to go to the grocery store for additional items. 

Known as the 3, 2, 1 recipe, it requires the following ingredients, in descending order of how much you’ll need: [1]

  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cups (473 ml) of milk
  • 1 cup (136 g) of flour

Optional ingredients include:

  • 2 tablespoons (25 g) of white sugar
  • 1 tablespoon (14 g) of salted butter
  • Any flavor additives you want to use, including vanilla, almond extract, etc.

3. Heat the Stove or Griddle

Start by setting the stove or griddle to medium heat. While the heating element is coming to the desired temperature, prepare the skillet or griddle by coating it with salted butter.

Doing so ensures the Swedish pancake doesn’t stick when it’s time to flip it to the other side.

4. Mix All Ingredients Together

Though it may sound simple enough to throw everything in one bowl and mix it all together, there is a specific order to follow. 

Combine all the wet ingredients in one bowl and all dry ingredients in a separate bowl. Then, blend each bowl well.

Once each bowl is blended thoroughly, mix the two together. Following this process will mess up more dishes, but it’ll also create fluffier pancakes. [2]

Here are the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Use a whisk or electric mixer to beat three eggs in a large mixing bowl.
  2. Once the eggs are thick, stir in two cups (473 ml) of milk. 
  3. Add one cup (136 g) of flour to a separate bowl. 
  4. If desired, combine two tablespoons (25 g) of granulated sugar with the flour and mix well.
  5. Melt the tablespoon (14 g) of butter and stir it with the wet ingredients.
  6. Combine all ingredients into one bowl until they are well blended and the batter has a very thin and runny consistency.

Tip- Make the Swedish pancake batter ahead of time and place it in the refrigerator for a day. Letting it sit overnight before using it will give the best result. However, making them right away still produces a fantastic Swedish pancake. [3]

5. Pour Batter Onto Pan or Griddle

Once the griddle or pan has reached the desired temperature, slowly pour the pancake batter over the hot surface.

Carefully spread the batter until you have a very large and thin layer of pancake heating on the frying pan or griddle’s surface. 

*Note: You shouldn’t make more than one pancake at a time.

6. Flip the Swedish Pancake Over

Let the Swedish pancake cook until it has become a light golden brown on the bottom. This typically takes one to two minutes before it’s time to flip it.

Use a spatula and carefully flip the pancake to the opposite side. Once flipped, allow another one to two minutes for the second side to become light golden brown.

Tip- The first pancake may turn out to be a flop. This is common when the pan doesn’t reach the needed temperature and heats unevenly.

If this happens, just set it aside and continue cooking the Swedish pancakes. The pancakes that follow will turn out much better.

7. Remove From the Heat

Once each side of the Swedish pancake is golden brown, it’s ready to remove from the pan or griddle.

Remove the thin pancake from the heated element and allow it a few minutes to cool down.

While the pancake is cooling, spread butter over it for slightly more flavor.

8. Add Toppings (Optional)

Toppings are optional on Swedish pancakes; however, some people find that the right combination of toppings makes these pancakes taste irresistible. 

There are a variety of toppings to choose from, but traditionally, Swedish pancakes are topped with lingonberry or strawberry jam and whipped cream. 

More suggestions for toppings to try on a Swedish pancake include:

  • Thinly sliced strawberries
  • Thinly sliced bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Chocolate syrup
  • Maple syrup
  • Nutella
  • Powdered sugar
  • Granulated sugar
  • Yogurt
  • Granola

9. Roll the Pancake and Enjoy

After choosing the toppings and putting them in place on the pancake, roll it up. The same concept can also be accomplished by folding the Swedish pancake in half and then in half once more. Eating them as a traditional pancake is also an option. Whichever way is chosen, Swedish pancakes are a real treat.

10. Repeat Steps

Once the first Swedish pancake has finished cooking, all steps should be repeated in the same order until the batter is gone. This recipe can yield roughly 13 servings.

The number of servings will depend on how thin and large the pancakes are made.

Tip- When making large batches that don’t get eaten immediately, place the leftover Swedish pancakes in a Ziplock bag and seal them up to keep them fresh.

Keep the leftover pancakes in the refrigerator, which will stay good for up to three days. [4]

Swedish pancakes are great because they reheat so well. When ready to heat them again, place the pancakes on a plate and put them in the microwave for 30 seconds.

Reheating on the stove works well too. Simply butter a pan and heat on medium for 20 seconds on each side.

[1] Source 
[2] Source 
[3] Source 
[4] Source

Christian Christensen

Christian started Scandinavia Facts to explore his family heritage, raise awareness of one of his academic interests as a professor, and civilly promote the region. Please see the About page for details.

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