Most traditional belief systems had conventions framing the depiction of their gods, and Norse mythology was no different. Its chief deity, Odin, was often portrayed sitting on a throne, spear in...
Category: Odin
Odin is a powerful figurehead in Norse mythology. The deity, also called the Allfather, ruled over the nine realms with the help of his trusted raven companions. Indeed, Odin is rarely seen...
Jotnar, or Jotuns, were giants from Jotunheim, the land of ice and snow, and thanks to Marvel, they're colloquially known today as frost giants. Throughout Norse mythology, Odin and the Jotnar -...
People familiar with the Norse god Odin know that he is one of the most powerful gods in the Norse pantheon. However, is Odin a good god? Odin is a great god but is sometimes morally ambiguous. He...
Although the phenomenon wasn't profoundly explored in the Marvel movies, Odinsleep is an integral part of Odin's (and later Thor's) storyline in the Marvel Comics. Viewers get a taste of it in...