In the "Vikings" series, the character known as "the Wanderer" sparks intrigue. He's a charismatic storyteller whose real identity is mysterious. Is he a divine entity or a clever deceiver? His...
Posts by Christian Christensen
Ragnar Lothbrok, portrayed by Travis Fimmel in the TV series "Vikings," is a legendary Norse figure. He starts as a farmer and ascends to become a legendary Viking chieftain, famed for his raids on...
Bjorn Ironside is one of the most interesting characters in the TV series Vikings, making him a fan favorite. While viewers are captivated by his life, including his relationship with his father,...
Iceland’s epic landscapes draw hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. But it has so many exciting places that deciding which area to visit can be challenging. From Reykjavik to the...
The Nordic countries share a history that goes back hundreds of years. [1] A common Norse heritage, a shared Lutheran faith, and centuries of cultural exchange mean their society displays many...
Norway has a rich history going back over 1000 years. Like many of their European counterparts, Norway also had a long history of royalty ruling the country. This royal history dates back to the...